About David

full shot sideHello and welcome!

I am a writer, ecologist and teacher from Dublin, Ireland, now living in Pamplona Spain. I have a BSc in environmental biology and a PhD in deer biology from UCD. I still work on deer management and other ecological questions, especially large mammal management.

My novels, Five Days on Ballyboy Beach, The Ecology of Lonesomeness,  and The Silver Nights Trilogy which are the novels, Leaving the Pack   Leading the Pack and Unleashing the Pack are published under the name David J. O’Brien by Tirgearr Publishing.  

My YA paranormal novel, The Soul of Adam Short and my Middle School novel  Peter and the Little People  are now available in paperback on amazon after the closing of their publisher Muse It Up Publishing.

Also available now are my dystopian novella, The Logical Solution, and my collection of short stories, Last Light on the Sage Flats.

Under the pen name JD Martins I write erotic romance.

As an ecologist, I support the WWF and certain other NGOs concerned with conservation of species and have pledged to donate 10% of my all my book royalties to WWF. Since the Silver Nights Trilogy deals with societies and prejudice, I also donate a portion of my royalties from its sales to Survival International, another group whose ends I consider very laudable. I am aware that there are conflicts between these two NGOs, and can only express my sorrow that these two groups cannot at the moment find a way to further their goals in tandem. 10% of my royalties from Peter and the Little People go to IWT, the Irish Wildlife Trust.

Apart from my own academic and non-academic writing, I proofread and perfect the English of scientific papers and I am available for this work on a freelance basis. Contact me at the email address below.

Many of my poems have been published in poetry journals and anthologies, such as:

Albatross, Houseboat, Misty Mountain Review

You can read some of poetry and short stories right here on this website: I plan to post a poem or two every week – if I am deficient about that, feel free to comment (I get sidetracked sometimes!) and I will get on it…

My youtube channel, formerly called daveobjp, is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIIUO91SFG-Kq0tKnWd7RAg

My google+ page is: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DavidOBrienauthor/about

You can email me at:  davidjmobrienauthor@gmail.com

and follow me on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/DavidJMOBrien

Some old photos from different parts of the world are on my flicker account. https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidjmobrien/

  1. You support the WWF? Is that still going? Never the same after the Hulk Hogan Randy Savage era!

    • Just to clarify for anyone who actually really doesn’t know, the World Wrestling Federation had to change to WWE, (E for entertainment) because the World Wildlife Fund had rights over the WWF acronym by virtue of previous use.

  2. Congrats on your upcoming release with MIU! Ellis Nelson

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